Funeral Service Training (London) Training and Consultancy
Training Presentations
Seminar-type presentations can be delivered on the following areas:
- The registration of death and the coroner’s procedure
- Receipt and handling of the first call
- The law and practice of cremation
- The law and practice of burial
- Arranging the funeral
- Funeral rites and cultural requirements
- Funeral procedures
- Children’s funerals
- Care of the deceased and discussing embalming
- Dealing with the unusual and occasional (burial at sea, burial on private land, bequeathal, exhumation, the burial/cremation of body parts, double and multiple funerals)
- Dealing with the DWP claims
- The international transportation of human and cremated remains
- The history of funeral service
All training presentations can be class-based for multiple delegates or delivered on a 1-2-1 basis. Time and locations can be arranged according to circumstances. Evening sessions can be organised in addition to early morning or day-time. Case studies and discussion questions are used throughout the sessions. All delegates are provided with a course handbook containing notes, images, sources of further information and example documentation. Delegates can be provided with an attend-ance/participation certificate for continuing professional development purposes).
Other seminars can be designed according to specific needs. Two recently delivered training sessions are as follows:
Enhancing Client Service
Aim: To develop skills and knowledge that will enhance the level of service given to all clients.
Objectives: By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Know how to handle the first contact with a client, by phone or in person
- Give advice on the registration of death and information on burial, cremation and the format of funeral ceremonies
- Sensitively but confidently discuss the benefits and process of embalming and care of the deceased including related aspects such as viewing and the removal of implants
- Set a realistic date and time for the funeral and viewing
- Know the importance of on-going communication with clients.
Conducting the funeral: a practical workshop
Aim: To provide skills and knowledge to confidently conduct funerals.
Objectives: To emphasise the need for clear communication with clients and all colleagues when conducting a funeral.
- To recognise the importance of leadership when conducting funerals
- To appreciate the requirement to conduct a courtesy call and undertake other checks prior to a funeral
- To carry out a risk assessment in relation to a funeral
- To provide an overview of good practice when conducting funerals
- To provide a framework for conducting funerals in different circumstances including children, high profile, double and multiple funerals, the burial of ashes and the burial/cremation of body parts.
Brian Parsons offers the following training and consultancy services under the banner of Funeral Service Training (London) (FSTL).
FSTL offers a bespoke training service to funeral directors.
Previous and current clients include nationwide firms, a co-operative society and independent funeral directors.
Training can be provided for those working in the following categories:
* Funeral arrangers
* Funeral directors
Training can be 1-2-1, small groups or for a larger number of delegates.
Please contact me to discuss individual requirements. The following links also provide additional information.
Training Presentations
Other Training
Training Records
Other Training
1-2-1 simulated funeral arrangements
A simulated funeral arrangement is undertaken with a candidate. The arrangement is not designed to ‘trip’ the candidate, but to ascertain levels of knowledge and competence. Feedback is given to the candidate and employer.
Mentoring new funeral conductors
Shadow or co-conduct with new funeral conductors.
Training Records
Funeral Service Training (London) is able to provide record books detailing training given to new employees for the following job titles:
- Funeral service operative (chauffeur bearer/coffin fitter)
- Funeral arranger
- Funeral director
Funeral Service Training (London) is also able to offer the following services:
- Competitive analysis
- Funeral price surveys
- Business and client service analysis
- Assessment of internal procedures (such as identification of the deceased, administration, client service and client materials)
Please contact Brian Parsons for further details at